6, bringing regular Ukrainian forces into Russia for the first time.Following the incursion of Ukrainian troops into Kursk Oblast, local authorities announced evacuation, particularly to Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia Oblast.An employee of one of the Crimean recreational facilities told Suspilne Crimea on condition of anonymity that since Aug. 13, local authorities had begun bringing refugees from Kursk Oblast to their city, which was not disclosed by the source for security reasons."Yesterday (on Aug. 14), we were told that it is likely that families with children will be vacationing with us (at a recreational facility) from the next shift. The free places will be allocated for them. Now this issue is being resolved," the source said.Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine's President in Crimea, Denys Chystikov, told Suspilne Crimea that the regional branch of the Red Cross in Kerch initiated the resettlement of Kursk Oblast's residents to the territory of the Crimean city.Thirty-five people had already moved into facilities in Yevpatoriya, Chystikov claimed.General Mick Ryan on Ukraine’s strategic calculus in Kursk OblastEditor’s note: The transcript of this interview has been edited for clarity.

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