If you are actively fighting and want to start working out without training beforehand, then I have to disappoint you: hard training without proper rest and proper (balanced) nutrition will only harm you. But if you have the opportunity to exercise, eat, and rest - then do it. In the future, this will help you effectively perform combat tasks, and will preserve your health. This applies both to new recruits and to those who have been serving in various branches of the military for some time.

I'll start with the basics, for every fighter: strong legs, stabilizer muscles of the shoulder joint and core muscles (abdominal, lateral, oblique, long back muscles) and most importantly, ENDURANCE. One sports equipment can help us with all this - a kettlebell (why a kettlebell, because it is a sports tool that can be used anywhere and at any time). Kettlebells come in different weights, but the main ones are 16, 24, 32 kg. With it, you can strengthen all the above-mentioned muscle groups, build up a muscle "corset" that will protect you from injuries, and develop both relative and explosive strength.

Relative strength is needed for long-term carrying of loads, and explosive strength for short-term effort: sprint, punch, throw, etc. Also, don't forget about running and burpees. These exercises will build your endurance, and running is good for warming up your muscles.

And finally: first of all, there should be a good warm-up before training, so as not to injure yourself.


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