Donate for @wilendhornets FPV drones and get a gift, including items with beautiful embroidered new logos 

PayPal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. DM screenshot+item+address to @ArmedMaidan

Some items feature a new joint logo approved by the legendary Achilles Strike Drone Battalion of the 92nd Assault Brigade. These fund Wild Hornet FPV drones for Achilles Other items feature a new custom Wild Hornets logo and fund Wild Hornets for other units, including powerful new Queen Hornets.

All the logos are embroidered except for on the Achilles t-shirts  Every $1 + boost is vita for Wild Hornets! There are no small donations

Support the Wild Hornets on PayPal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thanks to the Achilles Battalion for your service, masterful work and this partnership, including to commander Senior Lieut. @Fedorenko__ys and drone tester @noni845 Please give them a follow.


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Thanks to Wild Hornets volunteers @VladGerman7 and @Hetman_67for generously helping me fund production of these items for the Wild Hornets. Please give these two true friends of Ukraine a follow.


Merch donations don't also qualify for naming a Wild Hornet FPV drone.

Here's how you can name your very own Wild Hornet: