The pictures show how the roofs of our homes and the homes of my relatives were destroyed, and the steel was stolen by Assad’s soldiers and his allies, Russia and the IRGC. How are they already destroying the roofs of the city’s homes.

In fact, when I saw the pictures, my psychological state became very bad, exhausted, and desperate for everything, but there is no solution other than fighting. I cannot forgive or forget what happened and what is happening to us because of these criminals. We have literally lost everything in order to continue telling the truth.

Everything I write explains a very small part of what we live and go through.

History records everything, and those who stand with the Syrian revolution are standing on the right side of history. I will continue to fight for the freedom of Syria, democracy and justice. Freedom for Syria.

Certainly, what is happening to me now reminds me of the Ukrainians. We face the same evil. Our suffering is the same and our enemy is common.

The Syrians and Ukrainians have no solution except struggle. The international community really doesn't care what happens to us as human beings.

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