"The man received medical aid on the spot, the women were hospitalized," Kiper wrote on Telegram.Emergency services are working at the attack site.Odesa Oblast and other southern regions of Ukraine are regular targets of Russian missile and drone attacks.Russian forces attacked with ballistic missiles a postal depot of Ukraine's largest privately-owned postal service, Nova Poshta, in Odesa on May 1. A total of 14 people were reportedly injured, but none of the 18 employees working in the depot were among them as they managed to reach the bomb shelter in time.Russia carried out another attack against Odesa on April 29, using a cluster munition-armed Iskander missile. A total of six people were killed, and around 30 injured, according to local authorities.Russian attack on Odesa postal depot destroys 15.5 tons of shipmentsThe Russian ballistic missile attack on a postal depot in Odesa on May 1 destroyed 15.5 metric tons of shipments worth almost Hr 3 million ($76,000), Nova Poshta, Ukraine’s largest privately owned parcel delivery service, reported on May 2.The Kyiv IndependentElsa Court

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