Special thanks to @splinted_group as always 3 emergency resuscitation trolleys for the military hospital.
To Vlad for 3 drug dispencing trolleys @vladimir_shteyn
Țo Aengus no idea where or who you are, but thank you, anyone who knows him give him a nod!
To John Quinn the 1st @JohnQuinnDS for 2 specialised vertical patient transport trolleys Will get you better pics later John sorry.
To Martina @morningperson99 for the specialised mobile harness thing. Sorry not a clue what it is, but would gladly have the cost of it me back pocket.
To Eric @crustyaphid for the patient hoist, have a ball of slings for it somewhere also in van.
And a special thanks to whoever blagged dik Wallace’s motor last night, wonder is he home yet @punkerTan @put
“Duck”forgot to thank @HelpHealUkraine None of it would be possible but for Andy!
Sorry forgot picture
For Aengus Andy will explain what this is “Is a machine” It is going to a rehab centre.