6.The Unmanned Systems Forces were created to improve Ukraine's work with drones, creating special drone-specific units, ramping up training, systemizing their use, increasing production, and pushing innovation.As the deputy commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces, Sukharevskyi was responsible for the unmanned systems and the development of their usage on Ukraine's battlefield.Drones have been a key tool in Ukraine's defense against Russia's war. President Volodymyr Zelensky said in January that surpassing Russia in drone operations is one of the top priorities in 2024.Opinion: Ukraine’s naval drones are taking over the Black SeaRussian forces have encountered a new enemy in the Black Sea: Ukraine’s arsenal of naval kamikaze drones. These deceptively small unmanned vehicles have targeted Russia’s Black Sea Fleet since September 2022, picking off Russian battleships one by one.

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