"I understand the problem of the return of Ukrainian draft-aged men," Lipavsky said in an interview with the Czech media outlet Novinky."The Czech Republic has been supporting Ukrainian refugees for a long time, and we welcome them on our territory. But not those who try to avoid the obligation imposed by law." KI Insights Visit KI Insights to learn more and subscribe to the insider weekly newsletter visit ki insights Czechia cannot legally implement the mandatory return of Ukrainian draft-aged men under the protection status. In theory, Ukraine could send a summons and then an official request for extradition of a person who ignored it and violated Ukrainian law, Novinky said, citing an international law expert Vera Honuskova.The issuing of passports can also be a way to bring back to Ukraine those who must be on the military register, according to Josef Urban, a spokesman for the Czech Foreign Police Service Directorate.Every Ukrainian who lives in Czehia under protection status is obliged to identify themselves with a valid travel document, Urban added.

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