The Berlingo Battalion thanked all of us for the scopes. Let's create new miracles!!

We are collecting money for 5 of the best March Genesis (300,000 UAH each) scopes for the super rifles of the sniper group of Viacheslav Kovalskyi, who hit the enemy at 3800 m.

All your donations till May 6th will be wonderfully doubled by the efforts of our sponsor Mr. Stephan 364,071 UAH and $7,298 have already been collected.

Much more is needed!!!

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined, #TeamYuri, #NAFO@TAndo28462905!!  

Let's donate and retweet!!

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The correct name is Galina Goncharenko This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All ways to help!