Public Education Forum a NAFO Initiative

Ukraine Crisis Media Center

A free and democratic world, with Ukraine as the integral part of the West. Ukraine is an outpost of freedom and democratic development in Eastern Europe, on which the security and future of the world democracy depends.

Live in

Ukraine, Kyiv


Expertise of UCMC ranges from its staple Media Center, exemplary governmental communications reform projects, full-media support to large foreign aid initiatives, in-depth work with regional journalists, communication of ongoing reforms, cultural events and happenings, youth media literacy, and complex analysis of disinformation acts in media space.

Over the years UCMC and its various projects were supported by: Ukrainian World Foundation, USAID, NED, EED, NATO, UNICEF, German Marshall Fund/Black Sea Trust, UNHCR, International Renaissance Foundation, GIZ, Embassies of the US, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany, Spirit of America, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, the Institute for Statecraft, Estonian Center for Eastern Partnership, European Values Think Tank, and others. At UCMC, we take our reputation very seriously. We maintain high professional and ethical standards in all of our activities, avoid conflicts of interest and communicate with our partners to the highest degree of excellence. Therefore, in order to prove it, UCMC and its work are subject to regular international project audits – with 13 successfully passed since 2014.
Ukraine Crisis Media Center'S Latest stories
Weekly roundup. Ukraine resists Russia’s invasion. Days 852-856
Day 855: Ukraine, EU sign security agreement
Stories of Ukrainian resistance in occupied territories
Valentyna Veselova: You wondered whether you would survive or not
The Russia-North Korea Defence Pact: Russian Disinformation Digest
Day 854: vast majority of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine will win war with Russia
On the edge of the border with the enemy
Day 853: Ukraine formally starts EU accession talks
European Parliamentary Elections 2024: Russian Disinformation in Action
Day 852: Russian air defenses shoot down Ukraine’s missiles over a beach in Crimea, causing casualties
Iryna Sytkovska about the love of culture
Iryna Sytkovskа: Ukrainian language is a fashionable trend

The purpose of NAFO-PEF is to engage in identifying and analyzing disinformation, formulating defensive strategies, and crafting proactive measures to counter and minimize its impact