Since February, Russian companies have been having great difficulty transferring money to China - some importers are still unclear about the fate of payments sent in late February - early March, The Moscow Times writes, citing reports from importers.

Chinese banks do not want to accept payment for goods with certain product codes. Their list quite accurately replicates the US and EU sanctions lists, and in some ways even surpasses them. Problems also arose with paying for cars and even auto parts. And this despite the fact that Chinese automakers are increasing sales in Russia with great enthusiasm.

“Representatives of Chinese automakers take on the problem of payments, but if you import from China yourself - both as a distributor and as an independent importer - there are already big problems. We have to turn around and come up with different schemes,” says one of the publication’s interlocutors.  

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in China. He is scheduled to hold talks between the minister and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Lavrov is worried about deals and warnings with Yellen in her visit, Russia and China have agreements for military co-operation that need to be fulfilled - especially satellite images for the battlefield.    

The mayor of Orenburg said that unprecedented flooding in the regional center is expected: the city has not seen such large water for a long time; in 1942 the mark was 946 cm (on Monday morning it was 872).

Remember when he said a few days ago - that a “pond” had overflowed and there was no flooding or damage   Bullshit has a way of being unmasked by nature, even in Russia.  

Informal mobilisation of the population, we knew it was coming and we still allowed Putin to amend the constitution to give him an Emperor for life title..  

Citizens who joined volunteer formations to assist in the implementation of tasks assigned to the troops of the Russian National Guard will receive the same benefits and support measures as volunteers in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.  

The cost of servicing Saeco, Philips and Gaggia coffee machines in Russia has increased by as much as 145%, writes Mash. All because of problems with logistics and exchange rates. If previously a coffee machine cleaning kit cost RUB 1,580, now it costs RUB 3,870. At least these companies are still supplying parts.  

Money transfers from Russia to Kazakhstan began to be processed with delays of several weeks, said Nikolai Dunaev, vice-president of Opora Russia. Some banks even refused to work with Russia, for example, the largest in the republic, Halyk Bank. In this way, local credit institutions are protected from secondary US sanctions. Previously, dollar transactions were stuck, but now difficulties have arisen with transactions in national currencies.  

A worker from Krasnodar took 28 million rubles from the owners of a large Russian company Techout to buy equipment in the UAE, and he himself purchased goods in Moscow at Gorbushka. For the scam, he pretended to be a worker from a factory in the Emirates, and when the goods at Gorbushka ran out, he blamed the military conflict in the Middle East for the supply disruption. The money disappeared from the accounts, and 400 Techout customers were left without their orders.    

The first group from the Bundeswehr brigade assigned to Lithuania arrives at its duty station in the Baltic republic, said Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas.

The chat is unverified. I do not endorse the views expressed, be wary of disinformation and DYOR.

I monitor and translate Vatnik channels as a general mood check, so you don’t have to.  

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