19 interview with the Ukrainian news outlet TSN."In this year of fighting, (Russian President Vladimir Putin) lost more than in the previous two years of the war (combined)," Syrskyi said. As of Jan. 19, Russia has lost a total of 818,740 troops since the full-scale invasion began, Ukraine's General Staff reported. The estimate, which is broadly in-line with estimates made by Western intelligence agencies, likely includes those killed, captured, wounded, and missing.Russia has gained ground in eastern Ukraine and Kursk Oblast over the past year but at the cost of heavy casualties.Russian losses reached record highs in November and December, with a daily high of 2,030 troops lost in November, marking the highest daily loss since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022.Moscow does not disclose its casualty figures, though a Defense Ministry official recently let slip that the department received 48,000 requests to identify missing soldiers.According to a joint investigation by BBC Russia and Mediazona, journalists have identified the names of 88,726 Russian soldiers who died during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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