Public Education Forum a NAFO Initiative

Pekka Kallioniemi

Creator of #vatniksoup and The Soup Central

Live in

USA, Langley, Virginia


Inquiries to

The user did not share any more information about himself. That's all folks!

Pekka Kallioniemi'S Latest stories
Kim Dotcom, a German-Finnish conspiracy theorist who hates the USA
Kim Dotcom, a German-Finnish conspiracy theorist who hates the USA
Tucker Carlson can't believe what he saw in Moscow
Tucker Carlson can't believe what he saw in Moscow
The dangers of Deepfake in 2024 #deepfake
The dangers of Deepfake in 2024 #deepfake
Drones love Russian oil refineries #militarydrone
Drones love Russian oil refineries #militarydrone
Russian assassination unit responsible for attacks on U.S. officials #havanasyndrome
Russian assassination unit responsible for attacks on U.S. officials #havanasyndrome
UAV hit Russian drone factory in Tatarstan #dronewar
UAV hit Russian drone factory in Tatarstan #dronewar

The purpose of NAFO-PEF is to engage in identifying and analyzing disinformation, formulating defensive strategies, and crafting proactive measures to counter and minimize its impact