Public Education Forum a NAFO Initiative

Pekka Kallioniemi

Creator of #vatniksoup and The Soup Central

Live in

USA, Langley, Virginia


Inquiries to

The user did not share any more information about himself. That's all folks!

Pekka Kallioniemi'S Latest stories
The Soup Central: Unmasking Disinformation and Propaganda (unseriously) | Teaser Trailer
Unmasking Janus Putkonen: The Theater Director Turned Kremlin Propagandist
Firehose of Falsehood - Russian Propaganda Model for Social Media
You're being MANIPULATED on Social Media
How Conspiracy Theories Help Propaganda
How Dumb People are Used to Spread Propaganda
Load more...

The purpose of NAFO-PEF is to engage in identifying and analyzing disinformation, formulating defensive strategies, and crafting proactive measures to counter and minimize its impact