As I mentioned a few weeks ago: We are planning to conduct our next tour in summer.

On this tour we will deliver urgently needed medical supplies, fire fighter/DSNS-equipment and - if financially possible - add another car for frontline medics.

Donation goal: 18.000€

Already collected: 2607€ 14%  

The exact date for our next tour is set to July. The tour will last around 7 days.

What will we do:  we will provide stabilisation points, CCPs, combat medics and frontline hospitals with important tactical medicine and hardware  additionally with your support we can donate a car for evacuation to one of our partner units. again we plan to provide TCCC training for different units in the rear. 

For this we need your support to provide enough medicine and tactical medicine plus hardware for the wounded and soldiers + volunteers trying to save every life.

Please share! Every donation helps! Thank you very much!

International Aid Group e.V. | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree